Tuesday, October 4, 2011

October 4th, 2011

Mister Coen,
Hard to believe that you are almost a year old. Won't be long now and you will be walking on your own. You walk between my legs now and balance yourself by grabbing on my pant leg. The words are starting to come out now too. I can see the gears turning as you hear words and try to form them with your mouth. And the whole hit the ball with bat thing is pretty cool for a kid your age. Granted the ball is on the ground and not moving, but it is the same in golf, and grown adults have a hard time with that.

We had to put the boat away for the year, I know mom still thinks your a little too young to be out on it, but at least we got to go out. I try not think too much about future fishing adventures. They will come, but for now I don't want to miss a minute of the here-now.

Fall is a great time of year, going to the orchard, changing of the leaves, harvest, football. Best of all, its when you came around and changed our lives. Your Mom and I love you a lot. Your mom is an incredible person you will find. She basically has given up everything for you and does so with seldom a complaint. In fact she loves the time she spends with you more than anything else. I am jeolous of the amount of time she gets to spend with you, but I promise to spend as much time as I can with you and sissy. You guys pay me back tenfold with hugs and kisses (even if they are a little drooley).

We'll see you tomorrow.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

God Bless little boys.

What a big boy, and what a big month. We have had a busy month. Coen is getting bigger and more vocal. His desire to go is also growing emensly! He is on his way to crawling, although mommy is in denial. He still doesn't sit real well, for the simple fact he won't sit still long enough to practice his balance.

My favorite things this month are Coen singing loudly at church or in the back seat of the car. He also yells up and down the isles at the store. I have became more relaxed on worrying what others think. I have even changed his diaper in the store when we were stranded without a car in a thunderstorm. I was worried on how were were going to get back to our car, I thought it was a good idea to walk to the store killing time while the oil was being changed. He is such a resiliant little boy.

As long as we are going somewhere or doing something he is happy. He loves to take it all in. Coen LOVES other kids and animals, and it reads all over his face. He wants so badly to be a big boy and GO!

We are attempting in desensitizing him to strangers or new faces. There has been a handful of times that "stranger danger" has been an issue, but seems to have faded. When people hold him the first thing they usually say is how squirmy he is. But he is as happy as a clam when people give him attention!

I do miss the days he let me just hold him. I do have moments that I chersh, when he will let me snuggle for a few seconds. He is a independent little man, doens't want help going to sleep. He wants to be on the floor where he can roam free. We are going to have a very active and mobile child too soon I am afraid!

We have been hitting up the YMCA more, and he loves the water. Our swim lessons for both kids start in June. He gets so excited when he sees us load up his floatie in the car. He knows where we are going. I can't express enough how much he is a little fish at such a young age!
Here is Coen practicing his divers reflex..

We went back to Alliance this weekend, we visited family back home. We drove through a tornado warning and a flash flood warning. He was an angel, I often ask how and why I have been blessed with such a good little boy. I stress before doing new things, and anticipate the worst.. it always exceeds my expectations! Except..... 6 month pictures.

6 months pictures were stressful, I had a pickle on my hands! He wanted nothing to do with it. Quite frankly he was not ammused with being naked in the middle of a bright cold room during nap time. Our photographer did an amazing job not portraying his sassy mood in his photo's. I do wish we could have gotten more of his gummy grin, as this is his personality most of the time.... the pictures exceeded my expectations, considering his mood!

We had his hair cut also this weekend. He did great, he just wanted to keep looking at Aunt Kim, so that was the only struggle. Mommy said half an inch, but daddy insisted that his "tuft" be snipped to a more manageable length, considering it starts to dread up on it's own.

Coen and daddy enjoyed their hike to the top of the Scotts Bluff Monument. Mommy clutched on to tree's and kept low. She is known to be a bit dramatic at times... this one no different. But give her a break... it was pretty high up!!

The end of the month will be a big milestone for little man. Being part of God's family is truly something to celebrate. God Bless our little boy. We thank Him for our happy and healthy family.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter, past and present

I love my family, I especially love Saturday mornings. Jan usually gets a long run in, and Morgan "is quiet" if she wake before Co and I. But in all honesty she makes as much noise as possible, so it is obvious she is ready for brother and I to get up. So we start our day with a big breakfast and usually stay in our p.j's till 10 am!

Every morning she is with us she loves to walk into Coen's room (when we know he is awake) and she and I peek over the crib and say "Gooooooood Morning". Coen flashes a big gummy grin and Morgan chuckles.

We have been hitting the library a lot, getting books for the kids and Wii games to try. Morgan loves to get books for Coen. She thinks he is pretty neat. She loves him more and more each time she is around him. I picked her up from dance this week, she didn't know Coen and I were getting her... the look on her face when she saw us was priceless.... Not even her Easter basket got that big of a smile!

On a different note, I miss our family. I miss my sisters, brothers, nieces and nephews, and of course my mom and dad. I wish I could figure a way to get Coen to see them more. I feel like he doesn't have enough family around. I will have to make an effort to work on getting home more. In a few weeks we are heading back, it gives me so much to look forward to. I just hope Coen's "stranger danger" is minimal. He sometimes will be in a weird mood and not find new faces very amusing.

What a big month ahead! Easter this weekend... Jan's half marathon next weekend... going back home for Nathan's graduation... Coen's 6 month pictures AND shots... Mother's Day... Jan and I's 2 year anniversary... Morgan's dance recital.. Memorial Day weekend.. and Coen's baptism!!!!

We are so blessed. I know that life has changed for the better, and I can only anticipate it getting even more fulfilling! I have new goals and hope that God helps me focus on the things that matter the most.. I even have picked up the Bible for the first time (with a real effort). Now don't get me wrong... I still curse like a sailor, and love to drink my 2nd and 3rd glass here and there, but I know now there is so much more to life... and I have a lot to learn and I want to be able to teach my little boy about who has blessed us with all these wonderful things in our lives.

Tis the season to celebrate our faith, Happy Easter!

I came across these pictures from our first Easter together.

Who would have guessed we would be where we are now....

Monday, April 4, 2011

Baby food

Coen's first food..sweet potato

So far we have made sweet potatoes, green peas, squash, pears, and brown rice cereal. I use Ball Fresh Fruit Perserver powder to keep fruits from browning. It is safe for baby and an excellent source of vitamin C and contains antioxidants.

Here is how I made the brown rice cereal.. (Courtesy of Wholesomebabyfood.com)

The best way to cook Brown Rice for Baby Food or Baby Cereal
You may use a rice cooker for the quickest and no-fuss perfect brown rice all the time. Using a rice cooker means that you will need to puree the already cooked whole rice grains however. When cooking the "rice powder" for homemade baby cereal, use 1/4 cup of powder per 1-2 cups of water - more or less as you see fit. The key is to whisk whisk whisk as you are cooking to avoid clumping.

Why Brown, But Not White, Rice is One of the World's Healthiest Foods - courtesy of Whole Foods
The difference between brown rice and white rice is not just color. A whole grain of rice has several layers. Only the outermost layer, the hull, is removed to produce what we call brown rice. This process is the least damaging to the nutritional value of the rice and avoids the unnecessary loss of nutrients that occurs with further processing. If brown rice is further milled to remove the bran and most of the germ layer, the result is a whiter rice, but also a rice that has lost many more nutrients.

At this point, however, the rice is still unpolished, and it takes polishing to produce the white rice we are used to seeing. Polishing removes the aleurone layer of the grain-a layer filled with health-supportive, essential fats. Because these fats, once exposed to air by the refining process, are highly susceptible to oxidation, this layer is removed to extend the shelf life of the product.

The resulting white rice is simply a refined starch that is largely bereft of its original nutrients.

Easy & Nutritious Brown Rice Baby Food Recipes:
Brown Rice Cereal (make it Organic by using Organic Brown Rice.)

1/4 c. rice powder (brown rice ground in blender or food processor)
1 cup water

1. Bring liquid to boil in saucepan. Add the rice powder while stirring constantly.
3. Simmer for 10 minutes, whisking constantly, mix in formula or breast milk and fruits if desired
3. Serve warm.

Add pureed fruits and vegetables to baby's homemade brown rice cereal - ensure that you have followed the 4 day wait rule.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

So in love...A kind of love I have heard about, but there are no real words to express.

Coen is 5 months old this week. He has changed my life, my relationships and my priorities. I am a better person, and strive to be the best mommy and wife I can be.

Since my last blog, I had to go in for some fix er uppers.. I continued to be in pain for following 10 weeks post baby. I went in to make sure things were ok, and there was some soft tissue granulation. In laymen terms, there was scar tissue that had nerve supply and was causing a lot of discomfort. We schedule surgery to fix what his over sized sunnyside (he was born prone instead of supine) head did to momma. I am all better now, but still very apprehensive for more babies... we will see..

Less about me and more about the boy!!!

Coen is taking on such a personality. He is a very good baby. I can't believe how much easier it is then what I anticipated. Jan says it's God throwing me a bone after all i have gone through.

He pretty much falls in to the text book description of where he should be with his sleep, motor skills and health. He is above average for length, weight, and head size. He has his momma's thighs. Our daycare lady jokes that he digs his mom's "groceries". He is a healthy eater. I thought nursing was going to be a struggle for me.. it didn't seem very "natural" when i was pregnant. I learned it is not only very natural but it is an amazing bond, and sense of purpose. There isn't a time I don't acknowledge how lucky i am to be able to give him part of me to make him flourish and grow. It is about the only time I get to hold him and snuggle him.

He is a WIGGLE worm. My mom was surprised how he doesn't like to be held long. He is so independent. At 3 months he was ready to hop down on the floor and get to playing, he is ready to MOVE! He loves to be amongst people, and different things to look at. There are times when loading him in the car he smiles at me while I buckle him in. As if her was saying "Yea mommy, we get to go somewhere?" I think he gets that from me. He doesn't want to be couped up for too long. There is too much out there in the world to see and experience, and he doesn't want to miss a thing!

I could write for days on every little thing about Coen, his quirks and his dislikes. I am going to try and make an effort to do better on keeping up on our blog. It is just hard to find that mental time. It is kinda like when you go a long time without talking to a friend, and you want to put the time and effort into catching up.. but you know it is going to take awhile to sort all that has happened out!

So here are some things about little man that stand out right now.
He loves water, baths and the pool. He watches his sissy swim around and he seems to want to jump right in with her. (we are going to have our hands full) He falls asleep in his crib very easily, and prefers this to being rocked or snuggled to sleep. BUT he must have something (preferably his little taggie blankie) to put over his head. Yes he likes to cover his face with something when going to sleep. He enjoys me singing at church, or just while I am in the shower. He coo's and yells right along. I think not only did he look a bit like Elvis when he was littler, but he kinda moves and sings like him too. Maybe we have a little performer on our hands.. maybe a musician? I would like to hope so.

I miss my family a lot. This has turned out to be one of the biggest challenges.

I wish for both Coen and myself that there was more family close by to see him grow and change. I am grateful for the family Jan has here, but do miss mine terribly. We get to see them once and a while, but so much changes in-between visits. Skype has been helpful, although i know it is hard to see him and not be able to hold him.

Lately Coen has been rolling ALL around. He loves his toes, and he loves to make this loud growling/grunting sound. It basically sounds like he is trying to poopy doo.. but Jan is convinced he is impersonating the "Incredible Hulk". He loves to hang is head upside down and giggle at his sister or squeeze the dogs. I like to read to him, but he has a short attention span, and prefers to be on the floor and mobile.

Having such an active baby makes our down time when he snuggles that much more precious. I have a routine that before I go to work and take him to daycare, I sit and feed him with no distractions for a bit. I see it as my time to give him my undivided attention and I often whisper in his ear affirmations of my love. My favorite is "I love you sooooo much. Too much. To the moon and back." He doesn't say much in return but his gummy grin confirms he understands and he loves me too.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Loads of mush.

First off lets just say that the day my little boy was born was the hardest day emotionally and physically of my life. At the end of it all, it was worth every minute. My labor experience was one left to discuss in therapy! So we will sum it up by one sentence. He should have been a c-section.

Beware, if you read on you are acknowledging that you are subjecting yourself to loads of mush, and sap. Also from this post forward if you are offended by the words boob, or crap maybe you should quit reading now....

Still there? Ok.....

Being a mom is weird, and amazing. It makes you cry at songs about love, life and children. It makes you analyze poopy diapers more than you care to admit. It has made me grow up, and love something more then I ever thought possible. Don't get me wrong I love my family, and I love my husband... but the love for your child is so different. It is something that stumps me for words. Thats not an easy thing to do.

Coen is a hair lord. He sometimes looks like Buddha, and sometimes Elvis. Most of the time I think he looks like me when I was a baby....

...with his fathers mouth and chin. I am grateful I procreated with a good looking dude. We made hell of a cute kid.

All looks aside... he is healthy! God gave me a healthy baby! I swore he was going to have elephantitis, or a rare disease. But no! He is good as perfect, besides a bit of a chapped bum.

When he was born I held him for 30 minutes before they took him away to do the weight, apgar and look over.

The Dr felt a bit remorseful for the latter part of my delivery so she went Nazi bitch on any nurse who tried to take him from me. I didn't weep, or anything like that. I just lay there with this thing on my chest. He was in me. He was the alien moving in my belly. He is what was going to change my life forever.

I love my time off! In the past i couldn't stay in the house for very long, I got stir crazy. Now days go by and I cant believe how much less I care about the little things that seemed to matter so much before. Although a bit of eyeliner and gloss do go a long way for a girls vanity. (not to mention squeezing into my fat pants a week post baby!)

I have been fine tuning my trial and error ablilites. What works and what doesn't. He is pretty stinking easy right now. I realize this won't last forever. I cant just lay next to him and take pictures of his little face forever.

I have been having a tough time with the thought of him getting older and bigger. Everything has been pretty close to perfect but this one thing hangs over my head. Jan keeps reminding me that there is so much to look forward to. I explain it like this: Have you ever been on a break from school or work for a bit and the very last day is bitter sweet? Its kinda like a months of Sundays.. or like the last day of your honeymoon. You are grateful for it, but you can't get past the fact it wont last much longer and reality will set in. Back to the real world. I don't like the real world. I like my pajama's and snuggle time world. I just need to let go of the inevitable and not spend any time or energy on these thoughts. He is mine, he is not going anywhere and even if he isn't going to be a peanut forever, he will still be amazing. Just louder, fussier, and probably a bit less floppy.

Morgan forgets he is in the room. She loves him, but it doesn't keep her from singing Simon and Garfunkel at the top of her lungs in the car.... when he is sleeping. She helps with baths, feeds him a bottle and kicks the dogs when they get too close.

She tells people to stop fussing with his clothes and blanket.. "he doesn't like it." She will enjoy him more when he is a bit bigger and less sleepy. I love when she kisses his lips and he makes duck lips in return.

So I could write a book on the last 2 weeks, but I won't. I have a little man who needs a boob...

till next time!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Go towards the light!

38 weeks pregnant. We are all set and ready to go. I am not working anymore, due to the massive lump in my mid section. He used to be squishy and I could work around him. Now he is a little person and I respect he needs to not be squashed for hours at a time with my job. Not to mention I am just pooped! I have my moments of mania, where I can conquer the world and all that nesting involves. But then I crash, literally. On the couch and can't move because I have over done it. I can tell he is ready too.. if only our combined needs were heard. He stretches and moves around a lot still. They say activity levels go down when you are closer to delivery. I beg to differ, he makes me jump when he tosses his butt or limbs around. I swear this child has his mamma's booty. He wiggles and sticks it out it kinda looks like a tidal wave across my abdomen. Its pretty amusing and creepy all at the same time.

We found out from the last few checkups that we are progressing. It doesn't mean it will be tomorrow, but it is good to know my body is doing what it is supposed to. We are 70% effaced and 1 cm dilated.

I have been hoping for a Halloween baby. As long as when he comes out there isn't any clowns, vampires or kitty's helping with the debut. That would be my luck, a hospital staff in full Halloween getup when little man makes his entrance! That not be what I would want to see first thing on this earth!

Jan is getting more and more excited. So is Morgan. Its just now to the point we just want him to be here with us. When we sit on the couch it just doesn't feel complete yet.

I pray for a healthy normal baby. I know God doesn't give us more than what he thinks we can handle. I have anxiety's about the delivery and how things will go when he arrives. I have an amazing support system and a great dr, so I know we are both in good hands. Prayers are always appreciated though ;)

I have such an appreciation for these beautiful fall days and time off It is easy to get caught up in all the planning and anticipation, sometimes it is nice to just to take a moment and count all my blessings. I know it's not Thanksgiving yet... but it doesn't take a turkey and some taters for me to acknowledge I am one of the luckiest people in the world! Despite some discomfort and lack of patients lately... I am a pretty happy with the way things have turned out.