Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The first 8 weeks in a nut shell.. actaully in a abode in the uterus. Part 1

It was a chilly valentines day, and I was wearing... just kidding. I am known to blab a few details too many so I will spare you the details. Lets just say Jan gave me a perpetual Valentines day gift. One to never forget.

We found out we were pregnant on March 1st. The wine wasn't tasting the same and I wasn't feeling myself. We had been painting all weekend and I decided to take a "pee on a stick break". I guess through all this trying to get pregnant I had thrown away the package and instructions from the previous test. I always imagined the day we found out we were pregnant would have been like in the movies. We cry, we laugh, we embrace.....

I was running around the house trying to figure out what one solid line and one faint line meant. I should have kept the darn instructions. So Jan continues to roll paint on the walls while Google pregnancy tests with taste of puke in my mouth. I got the 1-800 number to the place that manufactures the tests. They want to charge 3.99 to answer questions pertaining to their tests.

I made a quick drive to the store, Jan not stopping his painting for a moment.. he just had a sheepish grin on his face like he was truly enjoying this moment. He is known to let me run around in a craze and then he addresses me when he feels it is safe.

Tests all came back positive. I cried. I was scared.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

So stick a needle in me I am done! Urpies, needles, no poopy doo's oh my!

Let me just start this off by saying this is what I wanted. No matter what I might say or how I might sound, we did and do want this pregnancy. I just was not prepared for all that comes with that first 12 weeks.

My Dr had me going in for labs once a week. We thought maybe levels weren't where we wanted them to be. So a few blown veins later and some prescriptions for hormones, we were back on the right road to growing a piece of... rice?

Fist ultrasound was exciting. I just wanted to have one healthy heartbeat. The night before I dreamed I looked at the ultra sound monitor to find a liter of kittens in my belly. I was relieved to see a little flutter of life on the screen. The tech let us know we were almost 7 weeks along. The baby was the size of a peice of rice.

How in Gods green earth could something the size of a piece of rice make me so sick, tired and emotional! I kept Keebler's crackers stock soaring for weeks to come. All for a piece of rice, that soon will turn to a large kidney bean. I wish they would find a different description of the size of my little tadpole. I eliminated a few things from my diet during this time. Rice, sunflower seeds, kidney beans, and grapes.

I couldn't sleep well, go number deuce, or move around without feeling like I was going to toss my Keebler's. In the mean time it was killing me not to scream our news to everyone. I'm not good at hiding things, so I just kinda hid. I stayed away form most social stuff, it was too hard being around drinking and loud music when I was feeling so wakeful and I couldn't partake in the late night festivities. I explain it like this: Imagine not eating for awhile, being kinda hungry and then sitting down at a great restaurant to watch everyone else eat and talk about eating for 6 hrs at a time. Not fun. Mamma not likey not being able to sip wine too :(

*Note* Not all will be so long and detailed in the future blogs. There is just so much to fill people in and so many people to tell that this keeps me from having to be a broken record. Bear with me people.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Now I watch Noggin, and eat animal crackers.

Ski trip I will never forget. I can't wait to tell our little nugget the story of Steamboat Springs when he/she gets bigger.

After a quick trip to the ER for an ultrasound we were off to Steamboat Springs CO. Back to the ER thing.. I woke up the morning we were supposed to leave feeling like something was wrong. All pregnancy symptoms were gone and I was kinda feeling cramping. I called my dr at 6 a.m. that morning, basically she told me that I wasn't God and if I was worried about the baby I needed to be flexible and find a place open to do a ultrasound. I guess she was right. There aren't techs lined up at 6:00 in the morning waiting for neurotic pregnancy women to come in... or is there...?

We got in to the ER quickly and they checked the baby. Everything on ultrasound showed up great. Heartbeat went up 20 beats per minute. It was a false alarm. Jan is convinced there will be many more to come. I was just happy we could get on the road and get this long drive over with.

So with my urpy meds with me ($20.00 a pill might I add).. we started our drive. When I say our I mean Jan's parents, my seven year old step daughter and 2 dogs. That is a lot of luggage, and pee breaks. I felt like a jerk but thankfully I got shotgun, front seat.

We spent the night in Alliance with my folks to break up the drive and drop off the dogs. Bless my husband for doing most of the driving.

So to get this entry done, we almost ran out of gas on the WY border. Down to what we thought were drops and fumes. There is no gas stations for miles out there!

We skied a bit, Morgan did great in ski school. We enjoyed a trip to the hot springs on one of the mountains. It had 4 different natural pools we could soak in while it snowed around us.

The condo was amazing, we had 3 huge rooms for all of us and a full kitchen and living room. Unfortunately the rooms also came with a party hearty group above us. It hit me how much things were changing and how much more it was going to continue to. I love giving baths, and saying prayers before bed with Morgan and daddy. It is a part of me that is new and undiscovered. What I don't love is the feeling of getting older and realizing it's time to grow up. Part of me remembered being the girl in the condo upstairs. Listening to loud music while picking out the perfect outfit before going out to paint the town.

Now I watch Noggin, and eat animal crackers.

Friday, March 26, 2010

My dad says "Well Nae, your almost done with your first semester now aren't ya?"

Size of baby this week

So one more week to go and I will be "out of the woods". Per say. I am feeling so much better! I am starting to not hate all the moms out there that go on and on about how they loved being pregnant. The only thing (besides hearing our babe is good) that I have loved up until now is anti nausea medication.

We went to hear the baby's heartbeat yesterday, Jan was running late (weird I know). The nurse couldn't locate the baby right away. I visualize quite often what the little shrimp is doing in there. Imagine with me.... Remember when you would be in the pool and you would curl up in a ball and push off the edge like a rocket? That is my visual of this baby right now. Enjoy it while you can kid, its not going to get anymore room-y in there.

Back to the nurse finding the heartbeat... Lil nugget is being a lil turd and worried me a bit. Jan was in the hallway coming into the room and the nurse then picked up the heartbeat loud and clear. I think it new daddy was coming and it needed to behave :)

It is feeling more real, and I am feeling more myself. Our first garage sale purchase put a little hop in my step. I have a feeling this baby will be a lucky little tyke. I feel pretty lucky too.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

12 Week UltraSound. With noodle, or without?

So we have our ultrasound in a few days, I have been told we might be able to see the sex of the baby. I am hoping we find out, but I realize he/she might not be willing to exhibit it's goods yet. So I am praying for a healthy heart, and a healthy baby. Until then...

Baby is good, we couldn't tell gender yet. Not too surprised, I am just happy it has all it's limbs. She mentioned how long it's legs were (that is one of the pictures I sent) It looks funny to see such a big forehead and a very pronounced upper jaw and lower jaw bone. The little black dots under the back blobs (black blobs is the brain) are its eyes. Tiny, but they are both there!

Things are starting to feel more real now, and by the looks of those long skinny legs soon it probably will be feeling extremely real!

Thanks for the prayers,

12 weeks pregnant:

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

"Renee, now you are a really mommy. Not just to dogs neither."

Dear 2nd Trimester
Hello!! How I couldn't wait to meet up with you! I have heard so much about you. A lot of it is true. My you were worth the wait. Please continue to send me more energy, less nausea, and a less alien looking baby.

Yours Truly.
Mamma Lamma, and babe.

What a good last few weeks. We finally shared the news with Morgan. I wish I would have recorded every minute following the second she found she was going to be a sister. It will be something I will never forget. The questions, the statements, and the permanent grin were priceless. She is going to be a huge help.

I am driving by garage sales and its driving me crazy that I can't plan yet. I cant wait to find out what lil one is!

Im starting to pop a bit, pants definatly aren't fitting well.

I am at week 14 now and this is what the baby and I look like: