Saturday, May 14, 2011

God Bless little boys.

What a big boy, and what a big month. We have had a busy month. Coen is getting bigger and more vocal. His desire to go is also growing emensly! He is on his way to crawling, although mommy is in denial. He still doesn't sit real well, for the simple fact he won't sit still long enough to practice his balance.

My favorite things this month are Coen singing loudly at church or in the back seat of the car. He also yells up and down the isles at the store. I have became more relaxed on worrying what others think. I have even changed his diaper in the store when we were stranded without a car in a thunderstorm. I was worried on how were were going to get back to our car, I thought it was a good idea to walk to the store killing time while the oil was being changed. He is such a resiliant little boy.

As long as we are going somewhere or doing something he is happy. He loves to take it all in. Coen LOVES other kids and animals, and it reads all over his face. He wants so badly to be a big boy and GO!

We are attempting in desensitizing him to strangers or new faces. There has been a handful of times that "stranger danger" has been an issue, but seems to have faded. When people hold him the first thing they usually say is how squirmy he is. But he is as happy as a clam when people give him attention!

I do miss the days he let me just hold him. I do have moments that I chersh, when he will let me snuggle for a few seconds. He is a independent little man, doens't want help going to sleep. He wants to be on the floor where he can roam free. We are going to have a very active and mobile child too soon I am afraid!

We have been hitting up the YMCA more, and he loves the water. Our swim lessons for both kids start in June. He gets so excited when he sees us load up his floatie in the car. He knows where we are going. I can't express enough how much he is a little fish at such a young age!
Here is Coen practicing his divers reflex..

We went back to Alliance this weekend, we visited family back home. We drove through a tornado warning and a flash flood warning. He was an angel, I often ask how and why I have been blessed with such a good little boy. I stress before doing new things, and anticipate the worst.. it always exceeds my expectations! Except..... 6 month pictures.

6 months pictures were stressful, I had a pickle on my hands! He wanted nothing to do with it. Quite frankly he was not ammused with being naked in the middle of a bright cold room during nap time. Our photographer did an amazing job not portraying his sassy mood in his photo's. I do wish we could have gotten more of his gummy grin, as this is his personality most of the time.... the pictures exceeded my expectations, considering his mood!

We had his hair cut also this weekend. He did great, he just wanted to keep looking at Aunt Kim, so that was the only struggle. Mommy said half an inch, but daddy insisted that his "tuft" be snipped to a more manageable length, considering it starts to dread up on it's own.

Coen and daddy enjoyed their hike to the top of the Scotts Bluff Monument. Mommy clutched on to tree's and kept low. She is known to be a bit dramatic at times... this one no different. But give her a break... it was pretty high up!!

The end of the month will be a big milestone for little man. Being part of God's family is truly something to celebrate. God Bless our little boy. We thank Him for our happy and healthy family.