38 weeks pregnant. We are all set and ready to go. I am not working anymore, due to the massive lump in my mid section. He used to be squishy and I could work around him. Now he is a little person and I respect he needs to not be squashed for hours at a time with my job. Not to mention I am just pooped! I have my moments of mania, where I can conquer the world and all that nesting involves. But then I crash, literally. On the couch and can't move because I have over done it. I can tell he is ready too.. if only our combined needs were heard. He stretches and moves around a lot still. They say activity levels go down when you are closer to delivery. I beg to differ, he makes me jump when he tosses his butt or limbs around. I swear this child has his mamma's booty. He wiggles and sticks it out it kinda looks like a tidal wave across my abdomen. Its pretty amusing and creepy all at the same time.
We found out from the last few checkups that we are progressing. It doesn't mean it will be tomorrow, but it is good to know my body is doing what it is supposed to. We are 70% effaced and 1 cm dilated.
I have been hoping for a Halloween baby. As long as when he comes out there isn't any clowns, vampires or kitty's helping with the debut. That would be my luck, a hospital staff in full Halloween getup when little man makes his entrance! That not be what I would want to see first thing on this earth!
Jan is getting more and more excited. So is Morgan. Its just now to the point we just want him to be here with us. When we sit on the couch it just doesn't feel complete yet.
I pray for a healthy normal baby. I know God doesn't give us more than what he thinks we can handle. I have anxiety's about the delivery and how things will go when he arrives. I have an amazing support system and a great dr, so I know we are both in good hands. Prayers are always appreciated though ;)
I have such an appreciation for these beautiful fall days and time off It is easy to get caught up in all the planning and anticipation, sometimes it is nice to just to take a moment and count all my blessings. I know it's not Thanksgiving yet... but it doesn't take a turkey and some taters for me to acknowledge I am one of the luckiest people in the world! Despite some discomfort and lack of patients lately... I am a pretty happy with the way things have turned out.